travel to chaina
travel to chaina

Traveling to China There is no doubt that traveling to China is a topic that appeals to a large segment of people, to return memories and unforgettable images of this ancient country that, with patience and determination, has become a world-class industrial and commercial country. China receives a large number of tourists and visitors every year. , In search of the beauty of Chinese nature and to know the unique Chinese civilization in terms of customs, food and various affairs, and attract a large number of visitors to China for trade and purchase of various Chinese goods. Tips Before Traveling to China Travel to China needs some planning and management before you travel there, in addition to getting to know some important things that help the traveler during his trip there, it is important to check your passport so that it is valid at the time of travel and extends to Months, in order to avoid complications during travel. Language and Currency Learning part of the Chinese language will make it easier for the traveler to navigate the streets of China. It will also make it easier for him to deal with and discuss with merchants while shopping, and help deepen the Chinese culture. Finance in restaurants, transport and markets. Chinese food is characterized by the habits of Chinese Chopsticks instead of spoons and tokens, it is important to learn the right way to catch them and pick up food, to avoid obstacles, it is nice to go to traditional Chinese restaurants to enjoy the popular Chinese food in taste and form for any food in different countries of the world. Transportation There are various means of transportation in the streets of China, from taxis to buses and trains between different regions and cities, it is easy to locate them with the help of the local people and ask for help, where they know their friendly and hospitable nature, especially with visitors and foreigners. Visiting areas It is difficult to visit all the tourist areas in China during a single trip. China has a vast area with a diversity of nature between high mountains, deserts, green pastures and dense forests, preferably to select one destination for a visit or two and enjoy it during the trip, Moving around here and there. The Great Wall of China is classified as one of the oldest wonders of the world, although it extends over a large area of 6,400 km 2 along the northern region of China. However, it was built manually without the use of machinery. Its history dates back to the 4th century BC. Enemies. Potla Palace: It dates back to the 7th century. The palaces are located at the highest point in Mount Hongshan at 3,700 meters. The palace is the world's tallest collection of buildings, with a large number of palaces and temples connected together. Forbidden City: Located in the heart of Beijing, one of the most important and most attractive tourist icons in China, the Forbidden City was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, a huge and multi-faceted building that took 14 years to build in the early 15th century.
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